Counter Publics: Du Bois and Democratic Practice behind the Color Line. (Under contract with Oxford University Press)
W.E.B. Du Bois: The Lost and The Found. (Cambridge: Polity, 2020)
W.E.B. Du Bois: The Lost and The Found. (Cambridge: Polity, 2020)
Edited Works
- Editor of Special Issue on “W.E.B. Du Bois and Democracy” in The Monist (2024)
- Editor of Special Issue in Honor of the 25th Anniversary of Charles Mills’s The Racial Contract in Critical Review of International Social and Political Philosophy (2024)
SElect articles
Forthcoming. “Rawls and Racial Justice,” in Christie Hartley, Blain Neufeld, and Lori Watson (eds.) Oxford Handbook on the Philosophy of John Rawls.
2024. "What is a Black Radical Kantianism without Du Bois? On Method, Principle, and Abolition Democracy," Journal of Social Philosophy 55(1): 6-24.
2024. “Democracy’s Values and Ideals: A Duboisian Defense,” The Monist 107(1): 13-25.
2024. “A Paradigm Shift in Normative Political Theory: Grappling with Mills’s The Racial Contract 25 Years Later,” Editor’s Introduction to a Special Issue in Critical Review of International Social and Political Philosophy
2024. “American Reconstruction and the Abolition of Second Slavery: On Pascoe’s Intersectional Critique of Kant’s Theory of Labour,” Kantian Review
2024. "What is a Black Radical Kantianism without Du Bois? On Method, Principle, and Abolition Democracy," Journal of Social Philosophy 55(1): 6-24.
2024. “Democracy’s Values and Ideals: A Duboisian Defense,” The Monist 107(1): 13-25.
2024. “A Paradigm Shift in Normative Political Theory: Grappling with Mills’s The Racial Contract 25 Years Later,” Editor’s Introduction to a Special Issue in Critical Review of International Social and Political Philosophy
2024. “American Reconstruction and the Abolition of Second Slavery: On Pascoe’s Intersectional Critique of Kant’s Theory of Labour,” Kantian Review
2022. "The Promise and Limit of Kant's Theory of Justice: On Race, Gender, and the Structural Domination of Laborers,” in Kantian Review 27(4): 541-55.
2022. "Self-Respect and Self-Segregation: A Du Boisian Challenge to Kant and Rawls,” Social Theory & Practice 48 (3): 403–427.
2022. “What is an Anti-Racist Philosophy of Race and History? A New Look at Kant, Hegel, and Du Bois,” Critical Philosophy of Race 10 (1): 71-89.
2021. "Du Bois’s Constructivist Theory of Justice," Journal of Moral Philosophy 19 (2): 170-195.
2021. "The Philosophical Legacy of Charles W. Mills," The Philosopher Magazine 109 (4): 73-77.
2021. “What it’s Like to Grow up Poor, but Fall in Love with Philosophy: A Notice to the Profession in Case it Forgot,” APA Newsletter on Feminism and Philosophy 20 (3): 15-19.
2020. “W.E.B. Du Bois’s Socialism: On the Social Epistemology of Democratic Reason,
Philosophical Topics 48 (2): 23-49.
2020. “The Function of the Philosopher and the Public in Du Bois’s Political Thought,” Australasian Philosophical Review 4 (1): 63-68.
2020. "Reckoning with Kant on Race," The Philosophical Forum 51.3: 221-45.
2022. "Self-Respect and Self-Segregation: A Du Boisian Challenge to Kant and Rawls,” Social Theory & Practice 48 (3): 403–427.
2022. “What is an Anti-Racist Philosophy of Race and History? A New Look at Kant, Hegel, and Du Bois,” Critical Philosophy of Race 10 (1): 71-89.
2021. "Du Bois’s Constructivist Theory of Justice," Journal of Moral Philosophy 19 (2): 170-195.
2021. "The Philosophical Legacy of Charles W. Mills," The Philosopher Magazine 109 (4): 73-77.
2021. “What it’s Like to Grow up Poor, but Fall in Love with Philosophy: A Notice to the Profession in Case it Forgot,” APA Newsletter on Feminism and Philosophy 20 (3): 15-19.
2020. “W.E.B. Du Bois’s Socialism: On the Social Epistemology of Democratic Reason,
Philosophical Topics 48 (2): 23-49.
2020. “The Function of the Philosopher and the Public in Du Bois’s Political Thought,” Australasian Philosophical Review 4 (1): 63-68.
2020. "Reckoning with Kant on Race," The Philosophical Forum 51.3: 221-45.
2019. "W.E.B. Du Bois’s Critique of American Democracy during the Jim Crow Era: On the Limitations of Rawls and Honneth,” Journal of Political Philosophy 27.3: 318-40.
2018. "W.E.B. Du Bois’s Critique of Radical Reconstruction (1865-77): A Hegelian Approach to American Modernity,” Philosophy & Social Criticism 45.2: 168-85.
Book Reviews
2021. Inés Valdez, Transnational Cosmopolitanism: Kant, Du Bois, and Justice as a Political Craft in Kantian Review
2018. Nick Bromell (Ed.) A Political Companion to W.E.B. Du Bois in Political Theory
2018. Nick Bromell (Ed.) A Political Companion to W.E.B. Du Bois in Political Theory
SELECT WorkS in Progress
Essay on Political Epistemology
“Rawls and Racial Justice,” in Christie Hartley, Blain Neufeld, and Lori Watson (eds.) Oxford Handbook on the Philosophy of John Rawls.
“From Social Darkness to Epistemic Light: A Critique of Mills on Ideology Critique,” in Sally Haslanger, Jason Stanley, and Robin Celikates (eds.) Rethinking Ideology.
“Rawls and Racial Justice,” in Christie Hartley, Blain Neufeld, and Lori Watson (eds.) Oxford Handbook on the Philosophy of John Rawls.
“From Social Darkness to Epistemic Light: A Critique of Mills on Ideology Critique,” in Sally Haslanger, Jason Stanley, and Robin Celikates (eds.) Rethinking Ideology.
W.E.B. Du Bois on Freedom, Race, and American Modernity (CUNY 2017)